DGMD E-15 journal:

Thursday, March 31
What did you accomplish during today's session? I figured out some next steps and got excited about my project again.
What do you plan to do before next week's session? Start adding elements to my codepen around user input so that I can soon "enter" sets and test them.
What can we do to support you? Do you have guidance on fixing bugs? I find I always check a million things...and then it's just a missing semicolon.

For Thursday, March 10...
Let's try to write out Mastermind!
The game randoms itself up a sequence and stores it somewhere (mostly) inaccessible to the player.
It also totals the number of each interchangeable item it used to fill the sequence and stores those values.
The player enters the first sequence to be tested, probably by selecting each item one at a time by interacting with blank slots and then indicating that they are ready.
The game looks at each slot and records the item chosen by the player for that slot. It then checks to see the object in each slot chosen by the player and records it.
It then compares each slot the player chose to the corresponding slot chosen by the game, recording each match (BLACK) and fail. If none fail, the player wins! Elseā€¦
The game....checks....something...arg!
I also have been thinking about how to do something less boring than colors in a row. Maybe more intuitive?

For Thurs, March 3...
Random assigment of colors to "pegs" for Mastermind.
New version: now looking much nicer! Added a legend of all the colors currently live.

For Thurs, Feb 25...
You folks have already seen my new twitterbot, and here's a mockup of the project with next steps.

For Thurs, Feb 18...

I wonder why that (^) stopped working? It was pulling images before...

Coming soon: a styled journal!

Project ideas:
1st) Let user select color theme on class journal? (How to swap out background image and colors in css on click?)
2nd) Create an _ebooks twitter account? (req. twitter API stuff, Terminal, etc.)
3rd) Fun with neural networks? Ex: feed one the contents of fanfiction.net and AO3 = odd fanfiction written by my computer? :)
See: a thing with Magic cards.
Alternatively, neural network + _insert game here_ for speedruns or similar?
(Could it write an investment memo?)
(Would it generate more interesting tweets than the _ebooks bot?)
For Thurs, Feb 11... Day Two Notes: Code Snippets
Omg this is what I needed: Code snippet for fading an element!
Caniuse.com for checking browser compatibility of any
MDN = Mozilla Developer Network (consider choosing this one when doing google searches!)
More code snippets under "Tools" now
Processing.js makes working with art easier? Tell me more...
This line added in sublime text on a clone of the repository!
For Thurs, Feb 4... Day One Notes: Partner Card
Codepen for Katie's Card
Whoever these w3schools people are, they rock.